ghost screaming and flailingMain Interests!ghost screaming and flailing

I am into quite a bit of stuff! I'll post my main current ones here with it's title, and some screenshots so you can get the gist of the game! If you're curious about any other ones that I know about but that I'm not super into at the moment (or ones that are sorta basic run of the mill stuff), that page for them is Here!

This also goes for a game series as well, I'll most likely post screenshots of my preferred titles for them!

(we do not talk about Blood 2)

steam header for resident evil 1 remake

Resident Evil is very fun and interesting series! I haven't gotten around to completely playing them because of, well... Money and emulation! (and I'm not too sure how good I'll be playing some of them... Especially with how much management you need to do!) I plan on playing Umbrella Chronicles, if my emulator would just cooperate! (if anyone knows how to fix the wii cursor so it properly lines up with the mouse cursor please tell me im so serious)

albert wesker at a checkpoint screen in umbrella chronicles albert wesker traveling through a hallway in umbrella chronicles chris redfield encountering albert wesker in the re1 hd remake

(i knoowww they are kissing each other)

okay NEXT!!!

steam header for blood:fresh supply

There's various versions of Blood technically, but I thought fresh supply was very fun! I know some diehard fans out there might prefer one over the other, but I'm just glad to play Blood in the first place!

image of a shadowy figure in a window in the distance in blood

I wonder if it's an invisibility cloak? Or if it's a custom sprite just for the end of the level? Guess I'll figure that out!

image of the interor of the swamp cabin in blood

I absolutely LOVED this level. It's a very good secret level! The swamp atmosphere with the skeleton ferrying you across the water is very fun! I absolutely love this one, along with the Dark Carnival.

image of general gameplay, zombies being blown up and one of the zombie heads being kicked off of the train

And there's some gameplay! Kicking zombie heads is pretty fun, I will say.

That's all for now! Thank you for looking and reading!